Daily update 10.19.2010

Today has been a much better day for Chad, compared to yesterday.
When I arrived this morning, he was pretty alert. He was sitting in bed, fiddling with the tv remote.
He was in the process of being repositioned in bed, but he followed me with his eyes until I was able to greet him properly.

I leaned over and gave him a hug, a kiss on the forehead.
He grabbed my arm and looked me straight in the eyes. And smiled.
A very sweet, much needed moment.

He was talking quite a bit this morning, producing spontaneous sentences – finishing some of them.
He even patted my stomach at one point and said, “You’re skinny. Eat.”
Funny fella.
That is a great task in itself, because most of his communication is limited to yes/no answers and his few sentences are very hard to decipher most of the time.

He hasn’t had an appetite today, but has had a lot to drink. Two sippy cups of apple juice and a Diet Pepsi.
That’s more than he’s had in the last few days, combined.

I was sitting on his bed shortly before lunch time and he simply stated, “I don’t know why…”
Then, he was finished.
I asked him to complete his sentence, and he wasn’t able to.
After a few minutes, he started again, “I don’t know why….”
I simply asked, “You don’t know why, what?”
He finished the sentence this time…“Why I’m still here?”
I was shocked that he put a sentence like that together.
And even more shocked that he asked.

Shannon called to check in, and while I was giving her the update, I noticed that Chad was very interested in the phone.
So, I put him on speakerphone, where he held a brief conversation with her. Priceless!

Since he was feeling so communicative today, I decided to get a video (or two) on my phone.
The first on was the for the girls.
The second one for his sister.

I am sharing the one for the girls with you.
Please be advised that Chad looks different than the last time you saw him.
He has lost a lot of weight. Some people may not want to watch – and that’s okay.

But I did want to show you all that he was having a good day.

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16 Responses to Daily update 10.19.2010

  1. Donna Aldredge says:

    speechless… sweet words for the girls

  2. Krhorne0116 says:

    Skye, that video is Priceless. Love you all and prayers are still going up for you..

  3. Kelly Marsh says:

    such a precious gift for those precious girls …..

  4. Jude626uk says:

    wow good to hear him speak today and you can see he means it as he is smiling.


  5. Katie says:

    Love, love, love the video! That was so sweet….the little smile he gave when he said each of their names was very genuine and heart felt. I know that makes you melt to see the old him shining through with his love for his family. Still praying for you. 🙂

  6. Dina Whitehead,friend of Amber says:

    God Bless you all!

  7. Nicole Caldwell says:

    Thank you for sharing every part of this journey with all of us. The video was beautiful.

  8. Taryn Medlin says:

    the smiles and even his eyes say more than any words could ever say….

  9. Slcabascango says:

    What a great daddy and mommy you both are – working together for each other and for Carys and Cailyn! I know they both will LOVE seeing daddy smile when he says their names!

    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Rachael Thackston says:

    That video is one of the most precious things I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing it.

  11. Shauna says:

    The video is SO precious! Thank you for sharing that sweet moment with us-the sparkle in his eyes when he says the girls' names is just AWESOME!

  12. Aunt Carmen & Uncle Robby says:

    Just too precious for words Skye. So glad you made that video!

  13. Betty Anne Corby says:

    You have captured the unbelievable for your girls, Skye.

    Prayers and hugs continue to be with all of you.

    Betty Anne

  14. Bella says:

    Just had to write to say I agree with the other people who commented … even though I don't know you or your family personally it was so obvious … the smile on his face when he said their names.

    It just shows us the power of love over medication/'it'.

    thanks for posting this 🙂

  15. Crissiebeasley says:

    Precious!!! Love it!!!

  16. Pastorron7 says:


    Tell Chad Pastor Ron said he's still here because God's not ready for him yet. We're still praying for 2 things: God's mercy and grace for you and Chad and a miracle! I'm still praying that God will decide to surprise everybody. Know that we love you both!!

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