First day of kindergarten

Carys was so excited this morning – she couldn’t wait to eat breakfast, get dressed & GO!
She was a little quiet on our drive to school, so I was sure to keep her entertained. We listened to her favorite songs as loud as we could — and she sang her little heart out.

She has memorized the landmarks to school already. so she knew when we were getting close. There is a pasture with some brand new baby horses she seeks out.

She told her little sister to be brave today without her, and that she would see her right after school.
That little conversation melted my heart.
She is such a great big sister — and Cailyn definitely missed her today.
I cannot count the times I heard: “Is it time to get Carys yet?”, “I wonder what Carys is doing…”, “Where is Carys again?”

We arrived, and I begged Carys to slow down long enough for me to get a decent picture.
Ah, well.
The sun was in her eyes and she couldn’t be bothered to give it another try so I could get a better angle – so this is what we have!

We made our way down the long hallway to her classroom, where she posed by the bulletin board for me.
And then she walked in.
She grasped my hand a little tighter and looked to me for instruction.
I told her to find her cubby and we would unpack her stuff — and then we’d find her seat.

She is right in front, the first table.
She sat and glanced around the room.
And I saw the look of bewilderment on her face.
She was overwhelmed.

I doled out a few rounds of hugs and kisses, told her how proud I was of her for being so brave, and promised to be back very soon to pick her up.

And, then…
Her lip trembled.
Her voice cracked.
And then the tears welled up in her eyes.

Cailyn gave her sister a hug, and then we let Carys’ teacher take over.
All the way back to the parking lot, Cailyn told me she hoped Carys would be okay, and “shouldn’t we check on her because she was crying?”
I reassured the little one that it was okay and we would pick Sissy up very soon.

I worried all day whether or not Carys would have a good day.

At 3:45, we sat in the carpool lane, waiting as patiently as we could for CareBear to make her way to us.

And there she was.
And happy.
And clearly not traumatized from me leaving her at school by herself for the first time.

Cailyn bought Carys a big girl gift for completing her first day of school — some Hannah Montana lip gloss that is currently a very treasured commodity around this house.

Oh, and Carys claims she’s ready (and willing) to do this school stuff again on Tuesday.
She promises she won’t cry…well, maybe just a little…

Stay tuned for Cailyn’s first day of preschool next week.
It’s going to be…..interesting.

Happy Labor Day weekend, everyone!

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