daily update 10.20.2010

My mom joined me to visit Chad today. She hasn’t seen him in a few weeks, since she’s been holding down the fort on my absence.
We were there briefly, two hours. For most of that time, he slept.
But he did have a few periods of alertness, spoke a few words.
We did, unfortunately, have to push prune juice on him today.
His bowels have been sluggish, with no activity for a week.
But the juice did the trick – I’m sure that had to make him feel marginally better.

We did see ab it of Chad shining through – his stubborn side.
I suggested to his nurse that we mix the prune juice with apple juice to make it a little more appealing.
That really did the trick – and he didn’t want to let the sippy cup go.
On the verge of sleep, he would let the cup slide down his grasp and fall onto the bed.
I would try to take the cup – his grip would tighten.
He didn’t want me to take it. But he didn’t want to drink it.
He didn’t want help brushing his teeth.
But he didn’t want to open his mouth for the toothbrush, either.

He did let me wash his face, stretch his left leg and apply lotion to his feet.
He didn’t protest that much

We had to leave in order to pick Cailyn up from preschool.
She was so excited to see me when I picked her up.
I drop her off in the mornings, but that has become a difficult task.
She clings to my legs, giggling the whole time.
Sweet girl.

I was absolutely spent after our day and had to take a nap.
It’s funny how tired I get when I really don’t do much all day.
It’s tiring to sit. I never thought I would say that; I used to long for quiet  days while changing diapers, making bottles and cleaning the never-ending toy strewn room, of a time to sit.
This isn’t exactly what I had in mind, though.

My mom and I are taking the girls to the state fair tomorrow.
They’ve never been and are pretty excited.
I can’t begin to imagine what their favorite part will be, but expect a report with pictures sometime tomorrow.

The fair was something Chad and I had discussed for this year. He really wanted to take them this year – he felt they were old enough to enjoy it, finally. He has always been practical about giving the girls experiences. He wanted to do things with them, but wanted to make sure they were old enough to appreciate it – and remember it.
So, we’re going to the fair – per his request.

Which got me to thinking…

When Chad was diagnosed in 2007, he started talking about all the things he wanted to do in his lifetime.
Some of it, he got to finish.
Most of it, he did not.

So…the girls and I are going to do it for him.
Stay tuned for Chad’s Bucket List (yes, he did call it that) in the coming weeks, with details of how we plan to complete his dreams.
Absolutely amazing, it should be.

Some big things.
Some small things.
Some things I will need help with.

Today, I was telling someone about our plans to live out the list – and she asked, “Will you have a bucket list then?”
Quite simply, no.
I plan to live my life  – and do everything I dream of.
I will do everything Chad & I wanted to do together.
I will do everything Chad & I wanted to do with our girls.

Life is short.
I’m not going to waste it.

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7 Responses to daily update 10.20.2010

  1. sip says:

    love love love this idea. i think that is an excellent way to pay tribute to Chad with the girls! i'm working with my dad on his…and it's definitely something i'm not taking for granted. can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. Aunt Donna says:

    You go my girl…You know I will help you anyway I can…I love you!

  3. tracy dowd johnson says:

    love the idea! been following your posts for awhile now. sending prayers your way. thank you for sharing this journey.

  4. Misti says:

    Your post gave me chills. I can't wait to hear all that you do with your girls. Chad and the girls are so blessed to have you.

  5. Amanda says:

    This post brought tears too my eyes Skye:) Your girls are so lucky you are their momma.

  6. Amy says:

    you are an amazing person, Skye. God has something in sorte for us all & at times we dont understand it. God bless you and your entire family!

  7. Amy says:

    I can't wait to read all about “The adventures of The Lanford Girls”! And I agree with Sip, no better way to pay tribute to Chad, sending strentgh your way!!

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